Tuesday April 29th @ 10.30 am
Black Country Living Museum
Tipton Road, Dudley DY1 4SQ


  1. To read the Notice convening the meeting: (President)
  2. To note attendance and record apologies for absence: (Secretary)
  3. To confirm the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 24 April 2024: (Secretary)
    (Copy available at the meeting or on application to the Secretary):
  4. To consider and adopt the Accounts for the year ended 31 August 2024: (Treasurer)
    (Copy available at the meeting or on application to the Secretary):
  5. To receive a review of the past year’s activities from the President: (President)
  6. To elect / re-elect Members to the Council according to the vacancies declared:(President)
  7. To transact Any Other Business (AOB) applicable to an Annual General Meeting: (President)
    1. Membership rates
    2. Diecasting Society Future Events – 2025